The Dimah Podcast is a raw, open, entertaining, influential, and inspirational platform where we learn, laugh, relate, and elevate. Learn about what is going on in the world, trends, personal stories, failures, success, relationships, sports, comedy, and hot topics.

Monday May 23, 2022
Industrial Design, 3D Printing, Cultural Unicorns and Unplugging W/ Zaheer
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode the TDP crew welcome Zaheer! The crew talk about Zaheer's path towards industrial design and 3D printing, how 3d modeling works, working with Hasbro and so much more. They also dive into the topic of psychology and what made Zaheer transition out of the field. Nila and Adise relate to Zaheer's idea of "unplugging" from certain media outlets that effect our psyche negatively. The crew also talk about cultural unicorns, billionaires like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos and so much more. We hope you enjoyed todays episode TDP Family! Be sure to comment, like and subscribe. We love you so, so much!
Thanks for listening!

Monday May 23, 2022
TigerBelly Brendan Schaub Drama Explained
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode the TDP crew talk all things @TigerBelly. TigerBelly is hosted by Bobby Lee and Khalyla Kuhn, the duo share personal stories, share laughs, and introduce their following to their lifestyle and relationship. Recently there has been drama in the TigerBelly universe, Brendan Schaub who was once a friend of TigerBelly went on a bit of a rampage against Bobby and Khalyla in regards to a clip that went viral on Khalyla's second podcast "Trash Tuesday" where she mentions an unnamed comic hitting on her. The events that transpired next traumatized Bobby and set the internet aflame. There were threats made, blackmail threatened to be exposed, and so much more. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below TDP Family! We love you so much.
Thanks for listening!

Tuesday May 10, 2022
Kevin Samuels Passes Away, Kardashian Strategy and The Red Pill Community
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode the TDP crew talk about the recent passing of Kevin Samuels, Kevin Samuels is a YouTuber who became known for his controversial relationship advice, he took the internet by storm as he developed a more "in your face" approach for his viewers seeking relationship advice. Next the TDP crew dive into the "Kardashian strategy", specifically Kris Jenner and how she grew her daughters empire to what it is today. A lot of viewers are left wondering, did Kris facilitate the leak of Kim Kardashians explicit tape with Ray J? Did it leak "organically" and without Kris Jenners knowledge? It definitely catapulted her families career in many ways, what do you think? Nila and Adise also talk about the controversy behind the "Red Pill Community" and reality television. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below TDP Family! We love you so, so much!
Thanks for listening!

Saturday May 07, 2022
Is It Okay To Start All Over Again?
Saturday May 07, 2022
Saturday May 07, 2022
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode the TDP Crew talk about starting all over again. Sometimes, the toughest thing you can do in life is choosing to start all over again and move on from something that's potentially bringing you down. Whether that means walking away from a job that's making you miserable or causing you stress, walking away from a friendship or a relationship, or choosing to relocate and move somewhere. The unknown is scary and not knowing what lies ahead could deter you from wanting to start all over, but what if it's necessary? What if what lies ahead is AMAZING? Sometimes taking that chance or trusting your gut could be the best thing ever and sometimes it could be the WORST decision you've ever made but how would we know if we didn't at least try to find out ourselves? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below TDP Family! We love you so much.
Thanks for listening!

Saturday May 07, 2022
What’s Standing Between You and True Happiness?
Saturday May 07, 2022
Saturday May 07, 2022
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode the TDP Crew talk all things happiness! Have you ever wondered what is standing between you and TRUE Happiness? Life can get really tough sometimes, we're constantly worrying about things that are both in and out of our control. We often make life harder than it should be and we fail to identify the things that are bringing us down both mentally and physically. The BIGGEST thing is identifying these issues and then creating a plan of action. Once you identify what's causing you distress you're able to attack it in a constructive way. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below TDP Family! We love you so much.
Thanks for listening!

Saturday May 07, 2022
The Johnny Depp and Amber Heard Case Review
Saturday May 07, 2022
Saturday May 07, 2022
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode the TDP Crew talk all things Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have been going through an ongoing feud as their most recent defamation court case has been broadcasted for the world to see. Many people are starting to side with Johnny as the court testimonies have been continuing throughout the last few weeks. Many people feel like Johnny Depp was the victim rather than the ab*s3r. The Johnny Depp and Amber Heard case has been the ongoing topic for all news stations, there has been some really dark moments, some comedic moments, but in reality this court case is very scary. Who do you think is telling the truth? Are you team Johnny Depp or team Amber Heard? Do you think they are both to blame? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below! We love you so, so much.
Thanks for listening!

Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Selling Sunset Season 5 and The Rental Reaction *Spoilers*
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode the TDP Crew dive into the topic of creeps and the very captivating and binge worthy show "Selling Sunset". What if you were in a rented cabin and you realized you were being watched and recorded the whole time? During your private weekend away, your intimate moments are captured on camera at your most vulnerable moments. The TDP crew talk all thing "The Rental", The Rental is a movie on Netflix that highlights the very creepy nature of cabin rentals and how in some cases the homeowner has total control of what they're viewing behind closed doors and that tape is focused solely on YOU. The TDP then talk all things real estate, Selling Sunset is on their 5th season and it gets even more interesting as the seasons pass. Seeing the agents progression is amazing but the toxicity is even more captivating LOL. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!
Thanks for listening!

Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Coachella’s Influencers, Sugar Babies and Men vs. Women Mentality
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode, the TDP crew talk all things sugar babies and influencers. It's Coachella season and the influencers are out but there seems to be trouble in Indio. Instagram influencers are getting the cold shoulder and the TikTok influencers are getting all the brand and fan love. When did the switch happen? Is the dawn of the influencer era over? Why are more brands gravitating towards TikTok rather than Instagram? The TDP crew also talk all things sugar babies, Nila's DM's are flooded with potential sugar daddies but where do you draw the line? Should you finesse these men or do your morals get in the way? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below TDP Family!
Thanks for listening!

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Do Opposites Attract? The Ultimatum
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode, the TDP crew talk all things "The Ultimatum". The Ultimatum is Netflix' new reality show where couples test their relationship due to their significant others request to "pop the question". Marrying someone is a huge step in ones relationship and is usually a deal breaker in the relationship. The Ultimatum has an interesting twist where couples choose their "new" partners and decide to live with them for three weeks to see if they feel like moving on from their previous relationship. The Ultimatum shows you the couples personality types and begs the question, "Do Opposites attract?" What do you think TDP Family? Let us know in the comment section below! We love you so, so much.
Thanks for listening!

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Gatekeeping Culture ft. Hailey Bieber, Logan Paul and Lori Harvey
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode the TDP crew talk all things "gatekeeping". Gatekeeping is the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something. Most people gatekeep their favorite consumer items so others don't have access to it, some people gatekeep music, some people pretty much gatekeep EVERYTHING. In our opinion it shouldn't be like that, we shouldn't look at others as if they're our competition. We should share the wealth, and share the knowledge that makes us happy so others can be happy. Have you ever gate kept something so others wouldn't know or find out about? Is it okay to gatekeep in some ways? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below TDP Family! We love you so, so very much.
Thanks for listening!