The Dimah Podcast is a raw, open, entertaining, influential, and inspirational platform where we learn, laugh, relate, and elevate. Learn about what is going on in the world, trends, personal stories, failures, success, relationships, sports, comedy, and hot topics.

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Is Living in the Moment Holding You Back from Your Bigger Goals?
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
We hear it all the time: "Live in the moment. Enjoy the now. Don't stress about the future." And while there’s a lot of truth to that—being present and enjoying life is important—there’s also a side to success that requires us to sacrifice a little of the "now" for a better future. It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day hustle of having fun, going out, indulging in instant pleasures. But sometimes, those things can keep us from thinking about what we really want in the long term. Success, whatever that looks like for you, doesn't usually just happen overnight. The most successful people didn’t get where they are by always chasing the next quick thrill or staying comfortable in the present moment. They made sacrifices—whether it was time, energy, or saying no to the fun stuff for a little while—because they knew that in order to reach their bigger goals, they had to put in the work now for the payoff later. Think about it like planting a tree. You might not see the full growth right away. You have to water it, tend to it, sometimes let go of other things so you can nurture this future vision. You have to resist the urge to constantly pick fruit off the tree before it’s fully grown because you know the real reward comes when you let it grow deep roots. It’s not about giving up living your life—it’s about understanding that the best parts of life sometimes come after the effort you put in today. Planning, saving, working, focusing on your goals—it’s all about creating a future where you have more freedom to enjoy the moments you care about. But that requires balance. Sometimes you’ve got to say "no" now so you can say "yes" to bigger opportunities later. So, yes—enjoy the now, but remember that your future self will thank you for the sacrifices you make today. We love you all so much!

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Why Is It Important To Always Remember It's Not Too Late?
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
You know, sometimes life can feel like you're stuck on a path that’s just taking you further from where you want to be. Maybe it’s a job that drains you, a relationship that weighs you down, or just a general sense that you’ve lost your way. And because you’ve been going down this road for a while, it’s easy to think, I’m too far gone. I’ve invested too much time. It’s too late to change now. But here’s the thing: it’s never too late. No matter how far down a path you feel you've gone, you can always stop, turn around, and go in a completely different direction. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been heading one way, or how much time has passed. You always have the power to change course. What holds us back, a lot of times, is the belief that change requires some grand, perfect moment—like a clean break or a clear, easy answer. But in reality, making that shift often starts with a small, simple choice: deciding that you're not stuck, and that you deserve something better. It’s scary, sure. It’s hard to break away from what feels comfortable—even if it’s been bringing you down. But think about what could be waiting for you on the other side of that choice. The decision to turn around could be the one thing that changes everything. You don’t have to have it all figured out. You don’t need to know exactly where you’re going. The important part is that you know it’s never too late to start moving toward something that feels more true to who you are and where you want to go. So, if you’re feeling like you’ve already passed your chance or you’ve spent too much time going the wrong way, remember this: It's not too late. The moment you choose to change direction is the moment you take back control. And what’s on the other side of that could make all the difference in your life. We love you all so much!

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
How Long Does It Take For You To Gain Clarity From A Situation?
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
When you're in the heat of the moment, it’s easy to make decisions or say things that you might regret later. Emotions run high, and everything feels urgent—whether it’s a difficult conversation, a big life decision, or a situation where you're just overwhelmed. Sometimes, in those moments, it feels like you have to act right away, or you look for answers from people who haven’t walked in your shoes, and their advice can end up feeling disconnected from your reality. But here’s the thing: clarity doesn’t usually come when you're right in the middle of the storm. It’s more common to feel like you’re in a fog of confusion, frustration, or even anger. And that’s okay. What’s important to remember is that time has a way of helping things make more sense. Sometimes it takes a little distance—whether that’s just a few hours, a few days, or even weeks. Things that seemed impossible to understand in the heat of the moment often become clearer when you’ve had the chance to step back and reflect. Everyone processes things differently. Some people need a lot of time to come to terms with what’s happened, while others might feel clarity almost instantly. But that’s the beauty of time—it gives you the space to let your thoughts settle, to see things from different perspectives, and to come to a place where you can make decisions from a place of calm instead of chaos. And while hindsight is always 20/20, it’s important to remember that we can't always get that perfect vision in the moment. But if you can hold on through the initial emotional turbulence, if you can give yourself time to breathe and think clearly, the answers you need usually come. They might not always look the way you expected, but they’ll be rooted in a clearer understanding of yourself and the situation. So, be kind to yourself in those moments. It’s okay if you don’t have all the answers right away. Trust that with time, the fog will lift, and clarity will follow. We love you all so, so much!

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Serial Killers, Hauntings and Life Changing Decisions
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
In this spine-tingling Halloween episode, we’re diving deep into the true terrors lurking in real life. We start with the bone-chilling story of a killer from Woman of the Hour, where a girl unknowingly picks a serial killer from a panel of guys. Talk about dating gone wrong! We’ll also hear from Nila, who shares a harrowing sleep paralysis experience where she saw a long-lost relative—let’s just say it might not always be who you think it is. And, as if we needed more to be nervous about, we’ll look at the upcoming election and what it could mean for the future of the US. In a world where life can throw curveballs that feel straight out of a horror movie, we’ll also talk about those pivotal moments where one decision can truly change everything—sometimes for the worse. We love you all so, so much!

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
What Haven't You Healed That’s Quietly Holding You Back?
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
You know, a lot of us tend to think we’re handling things just fine by brushing stuff under the rug or keeping busy. Maybe it’s because we don’t have the time, or maybe it feels easier to avoid the pain or discomfort. But here’s the thing—just because we push something down doesn’t mean it disappears. In fact, those unaddressed issues have a sneaky way of showing up in areas we might not expect, like our communication, relationships, and even in how we feel day-to-day. Imagine this: you go through something tough, but instead of dealing with it, you distract yourself. It seems fine, right? But then, maybe you start noticing you’re quicker to snap at others, or you feel a bit drained without knowing why. It might even start to affect the way you connect with people. You’re so busy holding things down that it’s actually weighing on you in ways you might not immediately notice. Healing doesn’t mean you have to do some grand ritual or dive into all the painful details at once. Sometimes, it just means sitting with what’s happened and giving yourself the space to process it. Reflecting on it might feel uncomfortable, but by acknowledging the weight you’re carrying, you’re actually making it lighter. And over time, you can finally set it down. Moving on is more than just leaving something behind—it’s making sure you’re not dragging old pain or unspoken fears into your future. It’s about letting go in a way that feels freeing rather than forced. When you give yourself the chance to heal, you’re giving yourself the gift of clarity, better relationships, and a genuine fresh start. We love you all so much!

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Why Is It Important To Apply Yourself In Life?
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Applying yourself in life really comes down to getting out of that "cruise control" mindset and actively chasing what you want. So many of us coast along, hoping that the things we desire will eventually come to us. It’s easy to fall into the trap of waiting, thinking things will just “click” one day. But the more you experience, the more you start to notice that life almost demands you to take action if you want to get anywhere. When you decide to actually try, things start to shift. It’s like the universe recognizes your effort, and suddenly, you’re no longer just waiting—you’re moving. And this isn’t just about work or finances; it’s everything. Emotionally, physically, mentally—putting in the work brings you closer to the life you want. Sure, it might not be instant, and it won’t always be easy, but that sense of momentum, of seeing even small changes, is worth it. The sooner you take that leap, the sooner you’ll notice things actually starting to change. It’s not about waiting for the “right time” to get serious about your goals; it’s about realizing that right now is as good a time as any.

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Why Is Time Your Most Valuable Asset?
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
You know, it’s funny how most of us don’t even realize that time is our most valuable asset. We go through our days almost on autopilot—waking up, going to work, scrolling through our phones, and then repeating it all again. It’s so easy to get caught up in routines that don’t really push us toward anything meaningful. Think about it: the time we spend each day, that’s our life in motion. Every hour, every minute, it’s shaping not just our day but our future. Yet, so often we’re not intentional about it. We give our time to things that don’t really matter in the long run—maybe out of habit or just because it’s what everyone else is doing—and before we know it, weeks or even years have passed without us making significant steps toward what will actually make us happy. The crazy part is, time is the one thing we can never get back. Once it’s gone, that’s it. And it’s not just about the big, life-changing decisions either. Even the small moments matter. How we spend our days is ultimately how we spend our lives. The key is realizing this before too much time slips away, and being intentional with where we put our energy. But the truth is, most of us don’t stop and think about it until something forces us to—like a major life event or an unexpected wake-up call. It’s like we’re waiting for the “right” time to start chasing our dreams or making changes, but really, now is the only time we’re guaranteed. So, if we’re not careful, we might end up looking back and wishing we’d spent our time differently, on things that truly mattered to us. It’s a tough truth, but it’s also empowering, because it means we have the power to make our days, and our lives, count.

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
How Can Shifting Your Perspective Completely Change Your Life?
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
It’s amazing how much your perspective can shift your entire experience of life. We all have those moments where things just don’t feel like they’re going the way we imagined. Maybe you’re over 30, still single, not in the dream job yet—and it’s easy to sit and dwell on what hasn’t happened. But here’s the thing: how you choose to see your situation can make all the difference. You can focus on what feels lacking, or you can flip the script and realize the opportunities still ahead. Being single? That just means you get to fall in love for the first time again—and this time, with all the wisdom and self-awareness you’ve gained over the years! Your job? Sure, it may not be your ultimate passion, but you have one. You’re learning, earning, and there’s space to grow. So many don’t have that luxury right now. When you look at what’s going right instead of what’s "wrong," your outlook instantly brightens. The present doesn’t feel like a burden, and the future feels like a fresh canvas ready for your next bold stroke. It’s about embracing where you are while keeping hope alive for what’s next. Shift your mindset, and you’re not just surviving life—you’re setting yourself up to thrive in it. Life has its ups and downs, but having a positive perspective? That’s the superpower that can change everything.

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Love Bombing, What To Look For In Relationships and Love Is Blind
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Relationships today have become a lot more complicated with technology. It's like we have a whole world of people right in our pockets—apps, social media, dating sites—making it easier to connect, but it also creates this strange paradox. We feel like there are endless options, so people often narrow down what they're looking for, setting specific criteria that can sometimes feel almost too rigid. A lot of us have these checklists, right? We want someone who looks a certain way, has a particular job, or fits neatly into whatever we think is the perfect match. But what if sticking too closely to those boxes actually keeps us from finding the right person? It’s easy to get lost in what we think we should want rather than what might really work for us emotionally and mentally. People aren’t always who they seem right away anyway, and that’s where things like love bombing come in. Love bombing is something we’re seeing a lot more of, especially early on in relationships. It’s when someone showers you with affection and grand gestures, almost like they’re trying to fast-track the connection. It feels amazing, but often, it’s just one side of them, the version they want to present to pull you in. This doesn’t mean everyone who shows affection early on is love bombing, but it’s about being cautious and not letting that "perfect version" they show cloud your judgment. Eventually, the cracks start to show when people settle into who they actually are. That leads into the whole idea of “love is blind.” Is it? In the beginning, love can definitely blind us. We get caught up in the excitement, the romance, the potential. But as time goes on, that initial blindness fades, and you start seeing the real person—their flaws, their habits, the good and the bad. That’s when you know if it’s real love or just an illusion of it. The show Love is Blind taps into that idea, putting people in situations where they’re forced to connect without the distractions of looks or societal expectations. Some relationships thrive when they take the time to see each other beyond the surface, while others fall apart when reality kicks in. And of course, the show also plays on stereotypes about men and women, which we see reflected in real life too. There's this expectation that men are supposed to be providers or unemotional, while women are meant to be nurturing and sensitive. Those stereotypes can pressure people to act in certain ways or hide parts of themselves, but they also prevent authentic connections from forming. It’s like we’re all playing roles instead of being real. In the end, maybe the key to a relationship is letting go of that narrow focus. It’s about seeing someone not just for what they are on paper, but for who they reveal themselves to be over time. And instead of being blinded by love, maybe the goal is to see clearly through it—both the beautiful parts and the messy ones. That's how you know it's real.

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Does Life Really Have to Fall Apart Before It Gets Better?
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Life has this strange way of falling apart before it gets better, doesn’t it? It’s like everything crumbles all at once, and in the moment, it feels unbearable—like we’re stuck in some sort of storm that’ll never end. When things fall apart, it can feel like the universe is against us, but somehow, there’s this odd, almost divine energy that seems to pull us back. It’s as if we’re being tested, or maybe realigned, but the catch is, we don’t see that bigger picture when we’re in the thick of it. And that’s the hardest part—because it hurts. When relationships break down, when plans go awry, or when life just doesn’t make sense, it’s tough to see any light at the end of the tunnel. We’re left questioning everything and wondering if it's even worth pushing through. But if we don’t give up, if we resist that urge to crash completely, it’s almost like we get this momentum that eventually propels us forward. The irony is, though, those moments of destruction, as painful as they are, tend to clear the way for something better. But in the moment? Yeah, it sucks. It feels unfair, frustrating, and overwhelming. It’s only when we look back that we realize those tough times shaped us, made us stronger, and brought us to a place we might never have reached otherwise. It’s like the universe has a funny way of setting us up for something greater, but the cost is going through the mess first. So even when it feels like life is falling apart, we have to remember that the best things tend to come after the worst moments. If we keep pushing forward, the pieces will eventually come together again, and maybe even in ways we never expected.