The Dimah Podcast is a raw, open, entertaining, influential, and inspirational platform where we learn, laugh, relate, and elevate. Learn about what is going on in the world, trends, personal stories, failures, success, relationships, sports, comedy, and hot topics.

Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
13 Questions That Will Make You Think
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode, the TDP crew ask each other 13 really interesting questions. It's good to get the creative juices flowing and asking these deep questions can make you learn a lot about yourself. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below TDP Family, we love you so much you really have no idea.
Thanks for listening!

Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
How Do You Find Your Purpose In Life?
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode, Adise and Nila talk all things purpose. Although it's a common theme on the podcast it's something worth noting, we often find ourselves wondering how we even "find" our purpose in life. When we see others living within "their purpose" it puts us in a weird mental space where it causes us to wonder what we should be doing and why we haven't found "our thing". When we're younger it feels like the world is our oyster and we can do whatever we want and live the way we want, but as we grow older, reality starts to kick in and our dreams and our "purpose" start to fade away. What can we do to help guide us in our quest to find our purpose and truly feel fulfilled? That's a question we should ask ourselves, and all it takes is that first step. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below TDP Family! We love you so, so much.
Thanks for listening!

Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
What Do You Do When You‘re Feeling Sad?
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode things get deep. Nila and Adise talk about how they cope with their emotions when they're feeling down. When you feel sad, it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Sometimes we cope in healthy ways, sometimes unhealthy. The question is, how do you cope with those feelings? Talking to people and learning how they cope with sadness can inspire others to follow suit and help them identify what they're doing wrong. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below TDP Family! We love you so, so much. You guys mean everything to us.
Thanks for listening!

Monday Dec 20, 2021
How Do You Get People To Like You?
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Monday Dec 20, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode the TDP crew reflect on how you can get people to like you, organically. As humans we have this need to want to be appreciated by everyone and it usually never works out that way. When you meet genuine people, you develop a bond with them and you want it to last. By being genuine and making people feel like they don't need to have their guard up, will insure a happy connection with the people involved. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below TDP Family! We love you so, so much.
Thanks for listening!

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Living Your Truth and Discovering Music with LONG NGHTS
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode, we welcome LONG NGHTS! LONG NGHTS explains his journey and thought process growing up in the Bay Area and reflects on his early childhood having to flee from his native country in a time of war. LONG NGHTS walks us through how he discovered music at a really young age, his inspirations, and how he has used music as an outlet of expression throughout his life. Please follow LONG NGHTS on all social platforms listed below! WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH TDP FAMILY.
Thanks for listening!

Friday Dec 10, 2021
Finding Purpose Through Fitness With Camilo
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode we talk all things fitness, Camilo is an outstanding coach and is the CEO of Winning Mind State. The TDP crew highlight his upbringing, what led to training clients, traveling to another country without knowing the native dialect and so much more. We cannot wait to have Camilo back on the podcast. Let us know your thoughts below TDP Family!
Thanks for listening!

Friday Dec 10, 2021
The Struggles Of A Creative and The Pursuit Of Happiness With Ritzy
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode we welcome back our dear friend, Ritika! The crew talk about the mental blocks "creatives" often endure in pursuit of their personal goals, learning how to filter your thoughts, the herd mentality we often find ourselves in due to media exposure and our daily struggle(s), the "power of you" and finally, doing what makes you happy. We often find ourselves fighting a losing battle with our own minds, it almost seems like we're working against ourselves at times. What can we do to help with those up and down feelings and emotions we have in order for us to propel to new heights? Tune in and let us know your thoughts TDP Family, we love you guys so much. Please follow Ritika on all social media platforms! We hope you enjoyed today's episode!
Thanks for listening!

Monday Dec 06, 2021
The Omicron Variant and The United States Of Anxiety
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Monday Dec 06, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode, Nila and Adise talk about the latest news regarding the omicron variant. We are living in scary times, and it almost feels like things are about to get even more scary. Omicron, Omarion, whatever, at this point we don't even know what year we're in. Stress and anxiety is at an all time high, and people are in survival mode. Everyone for themselves it feels like. Fml, praying for the world. WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH TDP FAMILY! We hope you enjoyed the episode, let us know your thoughts below!
Thanks for listening!

Monday Nov 29, 2021
The Ace Family Clarifies Their Home Situation
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode, Nila and Adise are finally understanding whats been unfolding behind the scenes in the Ace Family's foreclosure drama. It felt like tragedy struck yet again with the Ace Family, when news leaked that their Mega Mansion home was going through foreclosure. Although for some, it wasn't too shocking considering what's been going on in the news as of late. Austin and Catherine have had their fair share of bad publicity due to their recent "scamming" scandals, the LiveXLive event Austin Mcbroom hosted, Catherine Mcbrooms makeup line 1212 Gateway and so much more. This seemed to be the cherry on top and really seemed to be the end of The Ace Family. We were sad when the news first broke regarding the home, but now it almost feels like there are new "suspects" that truly made this a catastrophe on all ends. Who are they? Regardless of what has happened in the past with the Ace Family, we feel like no one deserves this type of stress and we hope for the best regardless of the past. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below TDP Family! WE LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH, THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY!
Thanks for listening!

Monday Nov 29, 2021
Deep Fakes, Ghislaine Maxwell Case, The Apple Air Tag Stalker with Mo
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode we welcome Mori back to the studio! The TDP crew talk about the future and what it holds, deep fakes, Ghislaine Maxwell and the Epstein case, Apple air tag stalkers, the looting that has been occurring throughout all department stores in the U.S and so much more. Such a funny and serious episode, we are in a really interesting time TDP Family. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below familia!
Thanks for listening!