The Dimah Podcast is a raw, open, entertaining, influential, and inspirational platform where we learn, laugh, relate, and elevate. Learn about what is going on in the world, trends, personal stories, failures, success, relationships, sports, comedy, and hot topics.

Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Who Are You When No One Is Watching?
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
We missed you! This episode gets deep, Nila and Adise explore who they are when no one is watching. What are your thoughts when you're alone, how do you act when there's no one around to judge you? Who is the real you? Are we able to be ourselves to the fullest degree in this day and age? What do you struggle with, do you have any inner battles, or self reflective moments? It's so interesting the amount of thinking we do behind closed doors, it's kinda impossible to go into deep thought when you're with your friends, family or peers but as soon as you're alone it's almost as if your subconscious kicks in like "yooooo, want to like deeply reflect on yourself, or is now not the right time." Lmao, smh. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below. Take a second and just reflect on who you really are when the world isn't watching. We love you vvvvvv mucho TDP Family, and honestly couldn't do this without ya'll. Our family is growing and it makes us so happy.
Thanks for listening!

Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Austin Mcbroom Sued By LiveXLive
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode Adise and Nila describe the details behind Austin Mcbroom's latest controversy and Ethan and Hila's battle against Ryan Kavanaugh, Triller's CEO. For starters, Austin Mcbroom is now getting sued by LivexLive AND James Harden. James Harden (allegedly) was a silent investor in the Social Gloves event and invested nearly two million dollars of his own money. Expecting to recoup his investment at some point, Harden waited a while amid the Austin Mcbroom Bankruptcy controversy, but now that more information is out, it looks like James knew he probably wouldn't see any of that money come back. Yikes man. Along with Harden, Taylor Holder is now trying to recoup his money that was supposedly guaranteed prior to signing his bout against AnEson Gib. The world is coming for this guy and all we can do is pray for the kid and everyone involved. He has a huge legal battle in front of him and a lot of people lost BIG money with the event so things are only going to get worse it feels like. H3H3 Podcast is going through a similar legal battle, Triller CEO Ryan Kavanaugh (allegedly) wants Teddy Fresh now, Ethan and Hila's clothing brand. At this point it seems like this guy just wants all the smoke with Ethan lmao and doesn't care. What in the ofhofewhoifhe is going on with all these people and suing. We have to go back to the old days and have them just duke it out via a debate or like throw hands at this point or something lmfao. We love you so much TDP Family, we hope you enjoy the episode! Let us know how you feel in the comment section (that ish helps us a lot with the youtube algorithm and gives us a chance to talk to you guys!)
Thanks for listening!

Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Kidnapped In Broad Daylight and Social Media Dark Side
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
Welcome back! In this episode Adise and Nila wanted to bring the viewers back to an earlier (and much more awkward) time where the TDP crew were just starting their Youtube journey. Nila and Adise welcome two of their favorite people ever Mojo and Alex. Things get interesting when they talk about a very scary kidnapping witnessed in broad daylight, being social media famous and how it effects peoples psyche to where they think they are above everyone else. How lame. Don't be that person. Can't switch up over clout or money TDP family, don't ever fold. The crew dives into the topic of natural disasters and the world ending, and how major motion films / big time producers take on m*rd3r and how to get away with it. Are they giving these bad guys any ideas? Like why are we highlighting exactly how to unalive someone, like there's totally some weird0 taking notes while watching Dexter properly dispose of someone. Plot twist....... these Hollywood directors know a little more than we think they know. What in the conspiraciana is going on. Fml, be safe everyone, keep your head on a swivel and remember to carry pepper spray (unless you're a dude, don't be soft) LMAO. Jokes. We love you so much TDP Family. Thank you for the continuous love and support we couldn't do this without you guys.
Thanks for listening!

Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Simone Biles Tokyo 2021 Withdrawal and Mental Health Awareness
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode, Nila and Adise dive into the topic of mental health. Mental health is HUGE guys and it’s something that needs to be addressed. Considering Simone Biles exit from the Tokyo 2021 Olympics, the TDP crew feel it's necessary to talk about the medias criticism of athletes and entertainers who decide to take a break due to their mental health. Piers Morgan recently had a little stuff to say to Simone Biles which we thought was a little insensitive and shweird. Emotions are scary, and so are your thoughts sometimes. So it's mad confusing when we see the media and (some) fans criticizing these athletes, entertainers and other public figures. These people are humans and are going through their own personal battles just like we do. Simone Biles won four gold medals in the Rio Olympics in 2016, and has a combined total of 31 Olympic and World championship medals, can we give her just a lilllll' respect and let her do her for like a cool second lmao. Just like the time Naomi Osaka needed a break for her mental health, the world started to come for her. Like chill man, you don't understand what they're probably going through. These are real life "goers" and sometimes going hard in the paint for so long, your brain is like y0 give me a lil' break. LOL, we love you so much TDP Family. You don't understand how much you mean to us. We love you a lot, a lottttttt. Comment your thoughts down below.
Thanks for listening!

Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Kanye West Donda and Ethan Klein Getting Sued
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
How are we? We missed you guys over the weekend, in tonight's episode Nila and Adise reflect on Kanye West' new album, Donda. Nila reflects on how passionate and misunderstood Kanye West is, all the while maintaining his relevancy in this new day and age. The TDP crew has high hopes for Kanye's new album Donda and think it will be an instant Kanye classic. The TDP crew also discuss Ethan Kleins new lawsuit filed by Triller. CEO Ryan Kavanaugh is (allegedly) suing Ethan and H3H3 Productions for 50 million dollars and Ethan is vvvvvv annoyed to say the least. H3H3 is a huge platform and honestly a pretty awesome podcast, so we really don't want bad things to happen to both H3H3 and Triller. Good vibes only ya'll. We hope everything gets resolved and everyone is happy. :( WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH TDP FAMILY. YOU MEAN SO MUCH TO US. WE ARE GROWING EVERY DAY!
Thanks for listening!

Friday Jul 23, 2021
How To Master and Balance Your Emotions
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode the TDP crew talk all things balance. Balancing your emotions sometimes seems impossible, we go through new experiences everyday that invoke different emotions. Sometimes those emotions are good, sometimes bad, and sometimes you just don't know how you really feel. This has us overthinking every single situation, big or small. We are all main characters in our own "little" movie, so it's time to really start thinking and doing main character stuff. Like learning to take the punches as they come and with grace, learning to love life and your existence and just letting yourself feel. We think trying to master our emotions is this crazy formula we have yet to conquer, when it might honestly be the easiest thing if you don't overthink it. Ask yourself what works best when trying to master your emotions and what doesn't work. In this episode we learn how to master your emotions through your life experiences and boy do Adise and Neels have a lot of those. WE LOVE EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WITH EVERY OUNCE OF OUR BEINGS. We hope you enjoyed todays episode TDP Family!
Thanks for listening!

Friday Jul 23, 2021
Why Family Vlogging Channels Are Doomed
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
First and foremost we love you guys so much! In this episode Adise and Nila fall deep into the Family Vlogging Channel rabbit hole and discuss why it promotes such a toxic environment for the families involved. The TDP Crew analyze why family vlogging channels are doomed, and why almost ALL of these channels end terribly. Let's be real everyone has problems in their relationship to some sort of degree but what if there are MILLIONS of people that are judging your every move, how you parent your children, your relationship(s), your emotions and just about every single thing you do or say. Reallllllllly scary, BUT the secret is family vlogging channel are VERY lucrative in the youtube world. Family friendly content will probably make you a bajillionaire so it totally makes sense why everyone is hopping on the hype train. From The Ace Family, to the Shaytards, to this is L&S, to 8 passengers, the list keeps going and we can guarantee this isn't the end of the family vlogging era, it's only the beginning TDP Family. So buckle up and pray for the families that decide on going on that crazy adventure, because they totally need it.
Thanks for listening!

Saturday Jul 17, 2021
The Mysterious Case Of Dhar Mann Pt. 1
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
HOW ARE WE!?! In this episode we fall deep into the rabbit hole of all things DHAR MANN. Who is Dhar Mann? Over the years Adise and Nila have witnessed Dhar Mann's name mentioned among entrepreneurs, the Youtube community, Reddit, and many other people and platforms alike. Who is this mysterious character? Is he the Indian batman, did you understand his "MASSEHGE" in this video? Did Dhar Mann finesse the entire world with his new youtube channel or is this just authentic content? Dhar Mann has definitely rebranded his content over the years from Jet Set Life to cannabis to youtube, the TDP crew think he has to be some sort of evil genius or he's honestly just being genuine and wants to spread a good "maSsehGe" lmao. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below TDP Family. This is part one of the Dhar Mann series with many more hilarious episodes to come. We hope you enjoy the video TDP Mafia! Also big, big shoutout to Cody Ko and our cousin Billy for inspiring this series. Cody is a legend go check out his videos!
Thanks for listening!

Saturday Jul 17, 2021
Ace Family Foreclosure and Jay Mazini Scamming The World
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode Nila and Adise give their insight on what they think is really going on behind the scenes in the Ace Family drama. Are the Ace Family starting to plummet due to Austin Mcbroom's scams? Is their multi million dollar estate (which is so player btw) going through foreclosure or are the Ace Family just an easy target given their notoriety and fame? Adise and Nila think most of whats being said could possibly be fabricated, but what if it's not......... The team also dives into the Jay Mazini Scam scandal. WHAT IS HAPPENING. How did Jay Mazini scam so many people for SO long and go unnoticed!?! From clothing brands, to Mazini Academy, to being a Bitcoin "Guru / Investor" Jay Mazini has been creepily scamming the world like an evil villain lmao......... really creeps us out. We love you so much TDP Family, you motivate us so much. Let us know your thoughts!
Thanks for listening!

Saturday Jul 10, 2021
What Happens When Someone Dies?
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
What's Good Dimah Fam!
In this episode Nila and Adise dive into what happens when someone passes away. It's such a scary thought, yet it's the only thing thats certain in this life. In the past I've (Adise) aka the biggest scaredy cat of them all avoided that question, but with time it started to become a question that needed to be answered. The TDP team does a deep dive into what they believe happens when someone dies, is it over forever? Is there a heaven or hell? What's on the other side, because the team thinks there's something going on 100000%. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below. TDP Family, we love you more than you can ever imagine. You guys make us so happy, we hope this episode makes you feel a type of way, and has you wondering what's really going on with this whole "life" thing.
Thanks for listening!