The Dimah Podcast is a raw, open, entertaining, influential, and inspirational platform where we learn, laugh, relate, and elevate. Learn about what is going on in the world, trends, personal stories, failures, success, relationships, sports, comedy, and hot topics.

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Are Excuses Running Your Life?
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
t’s so easy to fall into the trap of making excuses, especially when life isn’t going our way. Whether we're feeling sick, down on our luck, or just having a rough time, the first instinct is often to push our responsibilities aside. We justify it with thoughts like, "I'll handle it tomorrow" or "I’m just not in the right headspace right now." And yeah, that seems harmless at first. But the more we let ourselves off the hook, the more it becomes a habit. Little by little, we start conditioning ourselves to be okay with making excuses, and before we know it, it becomes part of who we are. We stop realizing that we’ve let go of certain standards we used to have. It’s like a slow change that creeps in without us noticing. The problem is, life doesn’t stop for us to get back on track. Rain, shine, stress, or sickness—it’s on us to push through and handle what needs to get done. There’s never going to be a perfect time or perfect conditions to act. Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is the most important thing, but it’s those moments where we show up for ourselves despite everything that really shape who we are.

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
What Happens When You Realize Time Doesn't Wait For Anyone?
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Lately we've really started to notice how time just doesn’t wait for anyone. You keep thinking, "I’ll do it when the time is right," but what if that perfect time never comes? Opportunities slip through the cracks before you even realize it, and suddenly you’re left wondering why you didn’t just take the plunge. It makes you think—maybe we do this as a kind of defense mechanism, like we’re protecting ourselves from failure or disappointment by pushing things off. Or maybe it’s just an excuse we tell ourselves to avoid taking action, a way of procrastinating because doing nothing feels safer than risking it. But when you step back and look at it, waiting doesn’t really serve us, does it? Things don’t fall into place just because you held out for the “right” moment. Sometimes, you just have to go for it and see where life takes you. There’s something freeing in that, even though it can feel uncertain. Because, honestly, what if that later never comes? It’s better to take a chance now and live with the outcome, than to wait and risk losing the moment entirely. We love you all so, so much!

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
What Do You Think The Meaning Of Life Is?
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
What do you think the meaning of life is? This feels so universal, yet the answer can be wildly different depending on who you ask, right? If you ask someone younger, they might talk about excitement, success, or achieving dreams, because at that moment, life is all about chasing goals, feeling alive, and finding out who they are. It's like life is this unfolding adventure, and their answer will reflect that energy. But then, ask someone who’s lived decades of life, and their answer might feel deeper, calmer, and more reflective. They’ve seen the highs and lows, faced challenges, loved, lost, and learned. The meaning for them often isn’t in the things they’ve acquired but in the experiences they’ve lived through and the connections they’ve built. It might boil down to something as simple as, “What can you carry with you when all is said and done?” And we all know, it’s not the material things. In the end, it’s the memories, the moments, the love you gave and received, the kindness you showed to others—that’s your real "gold." It's not about the titles or the money; it's the intangible, the love and compassion that you leave behind. That's the stuff that matters most when you look back on your life and when others remember you. And in those final days, that’s the meaning that seems to shine through the brightest.

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Nila Visits Italy, Italian Culture and The Meaning Of Life Worth Living
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Nila reflects on taking a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of life here in the States, and how her time in Italy gave her the space to reconnect with herself. She shares stories of visiting charming small towns, getting lost in scenic landscapes, and experiencing a slower, more intentional pace of life. One thing that struck her was how deeply Italians seem to value the essence of being human. Whether it was in their daily routines or the way they savored meals, everything felt more deliberate and less rushed. Compared to the fast-paced lifestyle back home, Nila found herself appreciating the beauty in simply existing, being present in each moment. Join us as we dive into her reflections on travel, culture, and the importance of stepping away to find balance. We love you all so, so much!

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Why Do We Avoid Facing Our Deepest Fears?
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Our biggest fears are often like shadows lurking in the background, always there but rarely acknowledged. It's strange when you think about it—how little time we actually spend sitting down and reflecting on what scares us the most. Fear, whether it’s fear of failure, rejection, or the unknown, has this sneaky way of weaving itself into our daily lives without us even realizing it. We feel it when we procrastinate on something important, when we shy away from an opportunity, or even in those quiet moments where self-doubt creeps in. But instead of confronting these fears, we often choose to push them aside, as if ignoring them will make them disappear. Why do we avoid them? Maybe it's because reflecting on our fears requires a level of vulnerability that can be uncomfortable. It’s like opening a door to a part of ourselves we’d rather keep locked up. Admitting to our fears makes them real, and in a world that celebrates strength and confidence, who wants to face the parts of themselves that feel fragile or scared? But the funny thing is, by avoiding our fears, we end up living with them. They don’t just go away. Instead, they linger in the background, shaping our choices and our actions. It’s easier to distract ourselves, keep busy, and just “deal” with those nagging fears in small doses every day rather than sitting with them and asking the harder questions: What am I really afraid of? Why does this fear have such a grip on me? The truth is, reflection is often the first step toward overcoming what plagues us. When we take the time to sit with our fears, to understand them, we can begin to disarm them. Reflection gives us insight into the root causes of our fears—whether it's something from our past, a fear of not being enough, or the pressure to meet expectations. And once we start to see fear for what it is, we can begin to take back control. Living with fear in the background might feel manageable in the short term, but it holds us back from fully living. And if we never take the time to reflect, we miss out on the opportunity to break free from the things that hold us down. The first step is simple but hard: stop running from the fear, turn toward it, and ask yourself, Why is this here? Only then can we start to loosen its grip. We love you all so, so much.

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
What If Your Habits Today Make Change Impossible Tomorrow?
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
You know, a lot of people think they can change whenever they want. Like, “Oh, I’ll quit this bad habit or start this good one when I’m ready.” But the reality? It’s way tougher than we give it credit for. Every little decision we make today, the habits we build, they stack up over time and start to form who we are. And the more you repeat those habits—whether good or bad—the harder they are to shake tomorrow, or a year from now. It’s like this: if you keep making the same choices day after day, they stop being just decisions. They turn into traits, almost like second nature. And when you’ve built your life around certain routines, changing them down the line feels like trying to move a mountain. Suddenly, that “I’ll change when I’m ready” becomes a whole lot harder. The thing is, the future version of you is completely shaped by the choices you’re making right now. So the sooner you realize that every little habit today is building the foundation for tomorrow, the quicker you’ll understand how important it is to start making the right decisions now. It’s not about waiting for some perfect moment to change—it’s about setting yourself up for the future, one small decision at a time. We love you all so, so much.

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
What If You Knew No One Could Ever Replace You?
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
You know what's amazing? That moment when you really get it—that you are completely one of a kind. No one, and I mean no one, can ever replace you. Think about it: the way you laugh, the way you see the world, the things that make you light up or get passionate, even the little quirks that make you, you—there’s only one version of that in the entire world. When life gets tough, maybe after a breakup or when you're feeling left out, it’s so easy to fall into the trap of thinking you're not good enough. Nobody on this planet can offer what you bring. Once you realize that, life gets a lot brighter. Those moments of doubt or feeling like you don’t fit in just start to roll off your back. You start to embrace the fact that your uniqueness is your superpower. And honestly? It's fun knowing that you’ve got something no one else does. You’re not here to blend in—you’re here to stand out, just by being exactly who you are. So, next time you’re feeling low, just remember: you’re irreplaceable, and that’s something nobody can take away from you. The world is lucky to have you exactly as you are. We love you all so, so much.

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Why Is It Important To Not Chase Immediate Gain?
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
In a world obsessed with instant gratification, it’s easy to forget that the real rewards come from giving selflessly. When you do things from a place of genuine care, without expecting anything in return, the impact lasts longer than any temporary gain. Think about it: when you reflect on your life, do you want to be remembered for what you took or what you gave? In a fleeting, consumer-driven world, the only lasting thing is the legacy you leave behind—the kindness, love, and generosity you showed. Sure, giving without expecting can feel naive, and people may even question it. But over time, it strengthens your character and changes lives in ways you might not see right away. Loving and giving selflessly is what truly makes a difference, even if the rewards aren’t immediate. At the end of the day, what really matters is how you made others feel and the goodness you left behind. We love you all so, so much!

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Adise Reflects On Turning 30 Years Old
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
I just turned 30. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about it lately. First, just getting here feels like a blessing. There’s a ton to be happy about, but, there are also some things that I look back on and think, “Man, that was really rough.” But through all the ups and downs, I’ve grown a lot, and that’s something I’m really grateful for. I’ve been reflecting on where I’ve been, what I’ve done, and honestly, there’s stuff I know I just need to let go of. Those old habits and regrets—they’re just weighing me down at this point. It’s like I’m ready to clear the slate and step into this next chapter without the "baggage". Turning 30 feels like hitting the reset button, but in the best way possible. It’s the start of a new decade where I can take everything I’ve learned, set some fresh goals, and just be a better, stronger version of myself. And I’m excited for it. There’s so much ahead to look forward to, and this next chapter? It’s gonna be all about growth and good vibes. So, here’s to 30—to everything I’ve learned, the memories that got me here, and the journey that’s still unfolding. We love you all so much. -Adise

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
What Do You Do When You Don't Feel Like Yourself?
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
You know, sometimes life just throws so much at you that it’s hard to keep up. Suddenly, you don’t feel like yourself anymore. You’re not acting the way you usually do, and your responses to things seem off. It’s like your cup is overflowing with everything going on, and there’s no room left for you in the mix. When you find yourself in that space, the first thing to do is give yourself some grace. It’s okay to not have it all together all the time. Start by acknowledging that you’re feeling this way for a reason—there’s a lot on your plate, and it’s affecting you. The next step is figuring out what’s causing these feelings. What’s weighing you down? What’s shifted in your life that’s making you feel disconnected from yourself? Identifying these things can help you start to understand why you’re feeling the way you are. Then, take it one day at a time. Don’t rush the process of getting back to feeling like yourself. Small steps can make a big difference. Maybe it’s about reintroducing some routines that make you feel grounded or finding moments to just breathe and be still. Remember, it’s okay to not feel like yourself sometimes. It’s part of being human. But with a little patience and self-compassion, you can slowly start to reconnect with who you are. We love you all so, so much!